Category: R&D
Tech Lead Journal
The lastest in our series of podcasts on Effective Machine Learning Teams is now live on the excellent Tech Lead Journal by Henry Suryawirawan. Check out the episode titled Building Effective and Thriving ML Teams. It’s been fantastic to talk with many great names in technology recently about EMLT, and I think the variety of…
An evergreen question: what is an MVP?
I was asked this the other day. My answer was: it depends on the context; it helps to have an example. And the contextual element is probably why this remains an evergreen question. While I have a fresh example in mind I thought I’d quickly plant a stake in the ground for reference. First, it…
A resilient charging planner
Check out the prototype of trippler, an interactive charging planner for resilient EV road trips. Based on my own EV road trip experience, trippler is as much about easily understanding charging options and contingencies, to reduce charger anxiety, as it is about coming up with a single best plan. Features Simply enter the start and…
Data complications
Solving EV charger anxiety used maths for better road trips, but skipped over using real data. Let’s fix that, or at least try to… The easy bits To get from A to B in an EV, I used Open Route Service to find a base route to a destination and and Open Charge Map to…
Solving EV charger anxiety
Many EV adventures are accessible using the charging network in Victoria, but faulty chargers still have the potential to induce charger anxiety on road trips. Planning apps–EV drivers’ constant companions–may not fully solve this when the reported status of chargers is unreliable and faults are prevalent. As a driver, I want resilient plans that already…
What to expect when you weren’t expecting an R&D project
This was supposed to be a regular digital project that consistently made progress towards the objective… right? Problem statement, some analysis, build a solution bit by bit, deploy, …, nice linear progression… but no… we were wrong! It turned out to be an R&D project. Often R&D projects change direction and sometimes seem to go…
R&D burn up
This article captures the key points of a conversation I have quite often with teams involved in exploratory work, and their stakeholders. Typical burn up We’re used to burn up charts looking like the examples in this description from Atlassian – a roughly horizontal scope line which we work towards with a roughly diagonal completed…
Effective Machine Learning Teams in print
My book Effective Machine Learning Teams is now in print! Building ML solutions requires multi-disciplinary collaboration. EMLT shows how to use design practices to identify the right products, how to apply good data science and software engineering practices to build products right, and how to structure ML teams and organisations so that they are right…
Privacy puzzles
I contributed a database reconstruction attack demonstration to the companion repository to the excellent book Practical Data Privacy by my colleague Katharine Jarmul. My interest was piqued by my colleague Mitchell Lisle sharing the paper Understanding Database Reconstruction Attacks on Public Data from the US Census Bureau authors Simson Garfinkel, John M. Abowd, and Christian…
A gentle introduction to embeddings at the inaugural GenAI Nework Melbourne meetup
I was thrilled to help kick-off the GenAI Network Melbourne meetup at their first meeting recently. I presented a talk titled Semantic hide and seek – a gentle introduction to embeddings, based on my experiments with Semantle, other representation learning, and some discussion of what it means to use Generative AI in developing new products…