Stop thinking
EV road trips have a different cadence. You might need to charge an EV up to twice as frequently as you’d refuel an ICE vehicle (depending on the pair compared). However, given people need to stop too, this doesn’t necessarily mean trips take longer, and the different pattern of stops may even make the trip…
Joe Reis show
I had a great chat with Joe Reis on The Joe Reis Show, along with one co-author of Effective Machine Learning Teams, David Tan. We covered the motivation for the book, scenarios where we’d helped teams address issues to become more effective, and the tools we’d developed from those solutions. We also talked about a…
Stream of Teams
It was great to chat with Matthew Skelton about the intersection of Team Topologies and AI/ML product delivery – watch the recording. This was the subject of the final chapter of Effective Machine Learning Teams, in which we used the Team Topologies model to explore effectiveness at the level of “between teams”. We covered a…
An evergreen question: what is an MVP?
I was asked this the other day. My answer was: it depends on the context; it helps to have an example. And the contextual element is probably why this remains an evergreen question. While I have a fresh example in mind I thought I’d quickly plant a stake in the ground for reference. First, it…
Effective topologies for Data and ML teams
I presented this talk at the Melbourne Data Engineering meetup, on a wild and wet Friday night. Having your cake and eating it too – Effective topologies for Data and ML teams (slides) In the talk I explore how Team Topologies provides patterns for reconciling fast flow of value with (multiple) specialisations in data and…
Ur Uber
The other day a former classmate described a project of mine in 2010 as “the idea for Uber before Uber was even a thing”. Nearly 15 years later, I thought it would be interesting to pen some reflections on how we came by the idea and why we didn’t pursue it. Mowbb Mowbb (I regret…
A resilient charging planner
Check out the prototype of trippler, an interactive charging planner for resilient EV road trips. Based on my own EV road trip experience, trippler is as much about easily understanding charging options and contingencies, to reduce charger anxiety, as it is about coming up with a single best plan. Features Simply enter the start and…
Data complications
Solving EV charger anxiety used maths for better road trips, but skipped over using real data. Let’s fix that, or at least try to… The easy bits I used Open Route Service to find a base route to a destination and and Open Charge Map to find chargers near the route – thank you to…
Solving EV charger anxiety
Many EV adventures are accessible using the charging network in Victoria, but faulty chargers still have the potential to induce charger anxiety on road trips. Planning apps–EV drivers’ constant companions–may not fully solve this when the reported status of chargers is unreliable and faults are prevalent. As a driver, I want resilient plans that already…
GenAI stone soup
GenAI (typically as an LLM) is pretty amazing, and you can use it to help with tasks or rapidly build all kinds of things that previously weren’t feasible. Things that work some of the time. The soup But do you find yourself reworking large chunks of generated content, or face major hurdles in getting a…