Tyre tracks and footsteps in the snow

EV snow’d tripping

Adventures with EVs often involve big mountain climbs, which consume additional energy, impacting range. I recently had the opportunity to drive climbs from Bright to Omeo and back via Mt Hotham, in Gunaikurnai and Taungurung country, and get a sense for how EVs handle hills.

Triptych showing two rural towns with a mountainous landscape in between
From Bright (top) via Mt Hotham, view to Feathertop (middle), to Omeo (bottom)

I collected efficiency data for each leg of a road trip from Melbourne, giving a baseline 4.5km/kWh efficiency on the flat, and showing significant variation with gradient of climb or descent, as below:

Scatter plots showing efficiency of EV on descents and climbs, against the gradient.
Efficiency on climbs and descents

The “flat” baseline is the drive between Melbourne and Bright, and the big gradients are the climbs to Mt Hotham; 1350m/55km from Bright and 1000m/50km from Omeo.

Hill: climb it

This small data gives me some rules of thumb:

  1. A mountain climb roughly halves efficiency, to 2.7km/kWh,
  2. A descent gives at least 2-5x better efficiency, to 10-25+ km/kWh,
  3. The round trip climb and descent uses 0-25% more energy than the climb,
  4. The net effect of climbing and descending is negligible on a longer road trip

I’m still enjoying the novelty of EVs reclaiming gravitational potential energy on the descent, including the nerdy thrill of clocking the game to net generation, which is possible between Mt Hotham summit and Harrietville (-1180m/30km).

A crash barrier on a mountain road shading some snow that hasn't melted

Planning calibration

Another rule of thumb in my initial planning was that any EV would use 5-10% of battery capacity for a 1000m climb–does this check out? I saw an extra 8kWh to climb 1000m/50km and an extra 9kWh to climb 1350m/55km, which is 7-8% of 96kWh battery capacity per 1000m. Planning calibrated.

As a sidebar, I’ve squeezed in more road trips with roof loads between this trip and the first road trip, showing the actual impact of drag is less than assumed.

Efficiency/range compared to baselineAssumedActual
Surfboards85% (roof)89% (roof)
Bikes (additionally assume more drag on roof)70% (rear)80% (roof)
EV external load scenarios

Hill climate

View through a car windscreen to a snowy carpark on an overcast day. The view is distorted by water on the windscreen

I experienced some extremely wild weather on this trip, including wind, snow on the road, and temperatures down to -4C, but I didn’t quantify the impact on efficiency. Given that I didn’t notice significant differences, I’ll use the rule of thumb for now that these factors aren’t as important as the others above. I will however, remain wary of adverse wind at highway speeds.

Beyond efficiency impacts, given that the weather caused power outages affecting chargers, and could have caused mobile network outages, or forced detours or extended stops, it reinforced the case for additional layers of resilience in planning.

It’s great to complete an EV road trip with some big hills, to get a better feel for how the EV handles these adventures, and build confidence for more.



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