Map Training v1


Learn how to read an orienteering map with these exercises that show how features on the ground are represented on the map.

See the How to use page for more.


Each exercise is a single-page PDF.

  1. About the material
  2. Contents page
  3. How to use
  4. Contours – an introduction to contours
  5. Orienting the map – using a compass to align the map with the ground
  6. Man-made linear features – recognising roads, paths, fences, and similar features
  7. Introduction to vegetation – interpreting vegetation of different thicknesses
  8. Naming contour features – putting names to landforms depicted with contours
  9. Water features – recognising streams, marshes, and similar features
  10. Rock on – identifying rock features such as boulders and cliffs
  11. Earthworks – interpreting excavated features such as ditches
  12. More man-made features – recognising features such as buildings and structures
  13. Variations on vegetation – understanding variants of vegetation symbols
  14. Contours #2 – interpreting contours at an advanced level
  15. On course – following the course on the map

Adaptations and Translations


See “Treinamento de Orientação” (at bottom right) on the Federação de Orientação de Pernambuco website. Created by Clube Bravo de Orientação Pernambuco in Brazil.

中文/Traditional Chinese

training manual from Taiwan OC .


Partial text translation of exercises 1, 2, 3, 4.


Partial text translation of introduction and exercises 1 & 2.


This material is also hosted on the Orienteering Australia website.


This work is copyright (c) 2006. You may copy or reproduce the work, in an unaltered form, for personal use or for educational use in an educational institution or orienteering club. Please contact me or leave a comment if you have another use in mind.

Please note Map Training v2 is freely available for any purpose, including derivative works, under a Creative Commons license.