Category: Machine Learning

  • Joe Reis show

    Joe Reis show

    I had a great chat with Joe Reis on The Joe Reis Show, along with one co-author of Effective Machine Learning Teams, David Tan. We covered the motivation for the book, scenarios where we’d helped teams address issues to become more effective, and the tools we’d developed from those solutions. We also talked about a…

  • Effective topologies for Data and ML teams

    Effective topologies for Data and ML teams

    I presented this talk at the Melbourne Data Engineering meetup, on a wild and wet Friday night. Having your cake and eating it too – Effective topologies for Data and ML teams (slides) In the talk I explore how Team Topologies provides patterns for reconciling fast flow of value with (multiple) specialisations in data and…

  • GenAI stone soup

    GenAI stone soup

    GenAI (typically as an LLM) is pretty amazing, and you can use it to help with tasks or rapidly build all kinds of things that previously weren’t feasible. Things that work some of the time. The soup But do you find yourself reworking large chunks of generated content, or face major hurdles in getting a…

  • Hopsworks and multidisciplinary ML

    Hopsworks and multidisciplinary ML

    I recently had a brief but fun chat with Hopsworks about the multidisciplinary nature of building machine learning products, as part of their 5-minute podcast series hosted by Rik Van Bruggen. See the transcript and video at 5-minute-interview-with-david-colls-nextdata. Rik and I talked about how David, Ada and I address this multidisciplinary perspective in our book…

  • Effective ML Teams on Thoughtworks Tech Podcast

    Effective ML Teams on Thoughtworks Tech Podcast

    I recently recorded an episode of the Thoughtworks Technology Podcast with my Effective Machine Learning Teams co-authors Ada Leung and David Tan, hosted by Scott Shaw and Ken Mugrage. The episode is number 146 – Building at the intersection of machine learning and software engineering. It was great to chat about the book and share…

  • EMLT Q&A

    EMLT Q&A

    A fun Q&A with Thoughtworks on the drivers, key messages and writing process for Effective Machine Learning Teams (EMLT) with my fellow authors Ada and David. It’s neat to be featured alongside all the other many great books from Thoughtworks authors. Find the book, trial and purchase options at O’Reilly, and find yourself a nice…

  • Dealing with data inventory

    Dealing with data inventory

    Data held by businesses is often described as an asset. This can be misleading or even incorrect. In any case, data managed inappropriately leaves value on the table, inflates cost, reduces responsiveness, and creates risk. Some data held by businesses would better be described as inventory. It might one day be a true asset, but…

  • Effective Machine Learning Teams in print

    Effective Machine Learning Teams in print

    My book Effective Machine Learning Teams is now in print! Building ML solutions requires multi-disciplinary collaboration. EMLT shows how to use design practices to identify the right products, how to apply good data science and software engineering practices to build products right, and how to structure ML teams and organisations so that they are right…

  • Effective Machine Learning Teams

    Effective Machine Learning Teams

    I’m very excited to be writing a book with my colleagues David Tan and Ada Leung. The topic and title Effective Machine Learning Teams was born from our combined work on team technical and delivery practices, and wider organisational patterns, applied to developing machine learning applications. The book has two landing pages where you can…

  • Getting serious about testing AI

    Getting serious about testing AI

    I was delighted to contribute to a Thoughtworks’ insights article on AI testing in response to Forrester’s recent report It’s Time To Get Really Serious About Testing Your AI. The report rightly raises the importance of testing in AI systems and highlighted Thoughtworks’ Continuous Delivery for Machine Learning (CD4ML) approach. The response also discusses other…