Gravity around a cubic planet

Maths Whimsy

Time to make for a home for those occasional mathematical coding curios. I’ve kicked off with an analysis, using various Numpy approaches, of the gravity field around a square (or cubic) planet, inspired by a project my children were working on.

If you’ve ever wondered, this is what gravity looks like on the surface of a square planet (20 length units long, arbitrary gravitational units) …

… even though the surface would appear visually flat, it would only feel level in the centre of the face. Near a corner, you would feel like you were standing on a 45 degree slope, and because the surface would be visually flat, it would look like you could slide off the far end of it – weird and cool.

I imagine I’ll add to this over time. The bulk of learning to code for me through high school involved mathematical simulations of all kinds: motion of planets under gravity, double pendulums, Mandelbrot sets, L-systems, 3D projections, etc, etc. All that BASIC (and some C) code lost now, but I’ll keep my eye out for more interesting problems and compile them here.

See also ThoughtWorks “Shokunin” coding problems of a mathematical nature that have piqued my interest over time:

Breadth first search and simulated annealing solvers for a task allocation problem



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